
Implant selection for femoral revisions - 2024 11 16
BHS Meeting: "Implant selection for femoral revisions: from primary stem to proximal femoral replacement"
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BHS-BOTRA-BOTA: "Hip fractures: getting it right first time" - 2024 09 12
BHS/BOTRA/BOTA : "Hip fractures: getting it right first time"
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OMG 2024
OMG Meeting met bespreking van de worst cases
Locatie: Bank van Breda

OTC IV Advanced Pelvic Course
OTC IV Advanced Pelvic Course
Download the flyer here

Orthopaedica Belgica 2024
Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,
The Orthopaedica Belgica 2024 annual meeting is the one you should attend to get an update on the latest technologies, most recent innovations and best practise in Orthopaedic Care. This year’s central theme is focused on the latest trends in personalisation of that specialized care.
Special Hip sessions on Thursday April 25.
Be part of OB2024 in Antwerp on April 25 and 26 2024 in the beautiful venue of Vestar!
On Behalf of the BVOT board and the Specialty Groups

IORT Cadaver Workshop
This cadaver course is an initiative of the Belgian Hip Society and will be organized by the IORT in Leuven; it is intended for orthopaedic trainees years 3 - 6.
With theoretical and practical sessions we aim to familiarize the participants with the basic techniques of hip surgery and hip arthroplasty.
Short lectures by the faculty members will highlight the most important surgical steps during procedures, after which all participants will have plenty of time to improve their surgical skills in the cadaver lab.
Entrance is free but registration is mandatory via
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Symposium Totale heupprothese in dagziekenhuis
Locatie: Bank van Breda, Antwerpen - Ledeganckkaai 7 - 2000 Antwerpen
Wanneer: Woensdag 22 november 2023 om 19:30
19u30 - Receptie en ontvangst
20u00 - Van short stay naar day case THP… De Nederlandse ervaring - S. Vehmeijer
20u30 - Praktische implementatie van day case THP en de Belgische situatie - S. De Brabandere & T. Boogmans
21u00 - Zin en onzin, pro en cons: een open discussie
21u30 - Nabespreking bij een hapje en drankje
De meeting is gratis voor BHS leden en assistenten in opleiding. Niet leden betalen 50€ aan de inkom
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Orthopaedica Belgica 2023
Come and join us at the yearly national congress or orthopaedic surgery.
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2nd BHS Hip approaches Cadavercourse, IORT, Leuven
2nd BHS Hip approaches Cadavercourse, IORT, Leuven
This cadaver course is an initiative of the Belgian Hip Society and will be organized by the IORT in Leuven; it is intended for orthopedic trainees year 3 - 6.
With theoretical and practical sessions we aim to familiarize the participants with the basic techniques of hip surgery and hip arthroplasty.
Short lectures by the faculty members will highlight the most important surgical steps during procedures, after which all participants will have plenty of time to improve their surgical skills in the cadaver lab.
Entrance is free but registration is mandatory via
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BHS meeting: Complex acetabular Revision, St-Vincentius, Antwerpen
BHS meeting: Complex acetabular Revision, St-Vincentius, Antwerpen
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Imaging of the Hip
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